Linda always saved a seat for me beside her. Obviously, it was not because I were the most handsome man in the crowd. Read full story...


Advisor Profile

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Mack Chen

Aurora, Ontario

  World Financial Group
(647) 984-3863

Co-Founder of FundPage Inc. Most recently, Mack worked for RBC Capital Markets as IT Projects Development Manager, focusing on coherence of project’s management, technologies, processes and QA, coordinated with peers to manage infrastructure changes and updates as well as managing customer and vendor relationship. Mack graduated from HuZhong University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree in 1987. Mack is currently a Chartered Investment Manager in Canada.

  • World Financial Group
  • CIM
  • 2014
  • Indirect

    Indirect, through third-party compensation such as commissions

    Direct, e.g. fee for service, asset percentage, etc

  • 0 (Minimum in Thousands)
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RawData.xlsx Total: 6 worksheet(s). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Investment Opportunity Risk Analysis Education Demo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Snap Inc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Microsoft.,, Volume,Price Date,Price,,Risk Calculation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Risk Calculation,,,Volume,Price 2021/01/30 03:01:53
CAPM.xlsx Total: 3 worksheet(s). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Assets Allocation Banlance Education Demo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Stock A Weight","Stock B Weight","A Return ","B Return ","Portfolio Return",,,,,Portfolio Risk with Correlation of,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,A RISK,B Risk,,1,0.50,0.20,-1,,1,0.5,0.2,-1 0 2021/01/30 03:01:50
  Cube.xlsm 2021/01/30 03:01:50
CAPM (Autosaved).xlsx Total: 4 worksheet(s). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Assets Allocation Banlance Education Demo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Stock A Weight","Stock B Weight","A Return ","B Return ","Portfolio Return",,,,,Portfolio Risk with Correlation of,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,A RISK,B Risk,,1,0.50,0.20,-1,,1,0.5,0.2,-1 0 2020/07/22 13:33:30
RawData (Autosaved).xlsx Total: 8 worksheet(s). ,,,, Investment Opportunity Risk Analysis Education Demo,,, ,,,, ,WMT/MSFT,Covariance,654.1513403 ,WMT/MSFT,Correlation,0.899602984 2020/07/22 13:33:25
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